Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Daniel Gardner's Perspective

In this RAT players production of “Of Mice and Men” I have the honor of playing Lennie.  To me this play is about love. Love comes in many different forms and for George and Lennie that love is friendship. In 2014 many of us may be aware of what ASD is. The autism awareness spectrum, according to nih.gov is one of a distinct group of complex neuro-development disorders characterized by social impairment, communication difficulties, and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. It is these kinds of behaviors that are written into the character of Lennie. With today’s technology we have the ability to help children and it is reported that 1 in 88 children are born with ASD.

In the 1930’s people were treated very differently. Lennie is called names like crazy, loon and dumb. Even worse people like Lennie would be put into “crazy houses” and treated with shock therapy or have brain surgery. George, knowing this, stays with Lennie and takes care of him because he knows nobody else will. He sees than Lennie is becoming worse and uncontrollable and he doesn't have the heart to do anything about it. Love/friendship is sometimes giving up your happiness to make the one you love happy.

This show is very powerful, and getting into character and doing the research is very draining yet rewarding. I feel honored and blessed to get to work with such passionate and amazing people. The respect this cast has for each other is crazy. This is not an easy show, and I am truly blessed that everyone around me is making me better especially Jud Harmon playing George. The chemistry between George and Lennie in this show is very important. I am so lucky that Jud was one of my best friends before this show started and it allows me to be more comfortable with him and help me as an actor.

The reason this show is a classic is because it’s a story that tells us something that 80 years after it was written is still important. Everyone needs friends; everyone needs people who are just like them who they can feel safe and comfortable around. Crooks, Candy, George and Lennie find that. Even if it’s a brief moment in their lives, it is a beautiful moment. That time even if it was short in your life that you had a purpose that you had people that cared about you, and you had something to live for. That’s what keeps me going.

-Daniel Gardner

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