Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jud Harmon's favorite moment.

My favorite moment in this show takes place in Act 2 Scene 1. The character of George Milton is describing a place that he knows of and what it would be like to live there. Every time I read this scene or am given the privilege of acting in it I am humbled by the simplicity of George’s vision. It is such a small thing that he speaks of; a tiny sliver of land, a small house with a stove, a few bits of flora and fauna, and a windmill. He is so clear in what he wants and by modern standards it is so very little. It is this clarity and sparseness that moves me so deeply. George makes it clear that, in the long run, it is not the THINGS that mean so much to him. It is not the THINGS that drive him toward this goal and vex him when it cannot be reached. It is the peace that he feels he will find there; the peace that comes from freedom, the peace that comes from choice, the peace that comes from just being there. One part of the responsibility that comes with being a performer is occasionally holding a mirror up to your audience and allowing them to see who they are in an attempt to teach them something. This lesson that George has taught me is one I hope to impart on our audience. Once in a while take the time to just be. In the long run that truly is enough.

-Jud Harmon 

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